How do I create a capture page?

Find out how to create an effective capture page to convert your visitors into qualified leads. Tips and tricks.
page de capture

Are you looking for an effective strategy to capture qualified leads and grow your business online? If so, creating a capture page is one of the most effective methods. In this article, we’ll take you step-by-step through the process of creating an attractive, compelling and effective capture page. You’ll also learn practical tips and tricks to maximize your results and get your business off the ground. So, are you ready to discover how to create a capture page that converts?

Understanding what a capture page is

A capture page is a web page specially designed to obtain a visitor’s contact details in exchange for a free offer or content (e.g. white paper, guide, newsletter, etc.). The main objective of this page is to convert an anonymous visitor into a qualified prospect by collecting contact information such as name, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.


A capture page is often used as part of a digital marketing strategy to develop a database of prospects interested in a given offer or product. It also enables these prospects to be segmented according to their areas of interest and online behavior, in order to provide them with targeted, personalized offers.

A capture page is often used as part of a digital marketing strategy to develop a database of prospects interested in a given offer or product.

The capture page can be promoted via various digital marketing channels such as social networks, online advertising, e-mails, blogs, etc. It should be designed to capture the visitor’s attention and convince them to share their contact information in exchange for content or a value-added offer.

Defining the purpose of the capture page

Defining a clear objective is crucial to the success of your capture page. This will enable you to focus your efforts on creating a relevant and effective page to achieve that objective.

Here are a few examples of objectives you can aim for with your capture page:

Collecting leads

The main purpose of the capture page is to collect contact information from your visitors to add to your database of qualified leads.

Promote an offer

The capture page can be used to promote a specific offer, such as a white paper, webinar, free consultation, etc., in exchange for the visitor’s contact information.

Segmenting your leads

By offering several capture pages for different offers, you can segment your prospect database according to their interests and online behavior.

Grow your mailing list

If you have a newsletter or blog, your capture page can be used to entice visitors to subscribe to your mailing list.

Leading to a sale

The capture page can be used to drive visitors to a sales page or product page where they can purchase your product or service directly.

It’s important to choose a goal that’s consistent with your overall digital marketing strategy and focus on that goal to optimize your conversion rate and achieve the best possible results.

Choose a tool to create the capture page

The choice of tool to create your capture page will depend on your needs and budget. Here is a list of the most commonly used tools for creating a capture page:

Emailing platforms

Some emailing platforms, such as Mailchimp, Aweber, and GetResponse, offer features for creating capture pages. This can be an economical choice if you&#8217re already using an emailing platform.

Specialized capture page builders

There are tools dedicated specifically to the creation of capture pages, such as Leadpages, Unbounce, Instapage and ClickFunnels. These tools offer more advanced features, such as predefined templates, A/B testing and conversion analysis.

CMS with plugins for capture pages

CMS platforms such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal offer plugins dedicated to the creation of capture pages. There are also free and paid plugins for these CMS that can help you create capture pages.

Website builders

Some website builders, such as Wix and Squarespace, also offer features for creating capture pages.

When choosing a tool, it’s important to consider the features you need, ease of use, costs and set-up times. It’s also advisable to test different tools to find the one that best suits your needs.

Designing the capture page

Here are the key steps to designing an effective capture page:

Defining the’objective

Determine your capture page’s objective, which may be to collect leads, promote an offer, segment your prospects, grow your mailing list or lead to a sale.

Identify your target audience

Identify your target audience and create a value-added offering that meets their needs and interests.

Use a catchy title

Use a catchy title that arouses interest and makes visitors want to stay on your page.

Create a capture form

Create a simple, easy-to-fill capture form that asks for essential information such as email address and name.

Use attractive visuals

Use attractive visuals to capture the visitor’s attention and illustrate your offer.

Add testimonials

Add testimonials or customer reviews to reinforce the credibility of your offer.

Add a call to action

Add a clear, visible call to action to encourage visitors to fill in the form.

Optimize for mobile

Make sure you’re optimizing your capture page for mobile, as more and more visitors are browsing on their smartphones.

Test and optimize

Test different versions of your capture page and optimize it based on the results to improve your conversion rate.

Integrating a capture form

To integrate a capture form on your capture page, you can follow these steps:

Choose a form creation tool

There are many tools for creating capture forms, such as Wufoo, Typeform, Google Forms, JotForm, Gravity Forms, etc.

Create your capture form

Use the form creation tool to design your capture form. Add the fields you want to include in your form, such as name, e-mail address, phone number, title, etc. Make sure your form is simple and easy to fill in.

Customize the form

Customize the form using colors, fonts and images that reflect your brand.

Integrate the form on your capture page

Copy the integration code provided by the form creation tool and paste it onto your capture page.

Test the form

Test your form to make sure it’s working properly and is easy to fill out.

Optimize the form

Optimize your form by modifying fields, messages, colors and images according to the results you get.

Configure the lead capture and follow-up process

Once you’ve integrated the capture form on your capture page, you need to configure the lead capture and follow-up process to maximize your chances of converting them into customers.

Here are the steps you need to follow to configure this process:

Collect prospect data

Your database stores the data each prospect provides when’they fill in your capture form. Collecting this data and using it to establish personalized communication with each prospect is important.

Automate the follow-up process

Use a marketing automation tool such as HubSpot, Marketo or Pardot to automate the lead follow-up process. These tools enable you to create personalized e-mail sequences for each prospect based on the information they have provided.

Segment prospects

Segment prospects according to their interests and behavior on your website. In addition, this will enable you to personalize your messages even further and increase your chances of conversion.

Regenerate response

Use a CRM

Use a customer relationship management (CRM) system to track each prospect’s interaction history and facilitate communication with them.

Analyze results

Analyze the results of your lead capture and follow-up process to identify opportunities for improvement and maximize your conversion rate.

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