How do you find an original and available brand name?

Find the perfect name for your brand with our tips for originality and availability! Discover our practical advice.
nom de marque

Finding an original and available brand name is a crucial step for any entrepreneur wishing to launch a business. Indeed, the brand name is one of the most important elements of your company’s identity and can make all the difference to its success. However, finding the perfect name can be a real challenge, especially if you want it to be both original and available. In this article, we’ll give you some practical tips to help you find the perfect brand name for your business.

The importance of choosing a brand name

The choice of a brand name is a crucial step in the creation of a business. The brand name is one of the most important elements of your company’s identity and can have a significant impact on its success. In fact, the brand name is the first thing potential customers notice, and it can influence their perception of the company.

An effective brand name must reflect the company’s activity and convey its values. It must also be easily memorable and pronounceable, so that customers can easily recall it. In addition, a brand name must have a positive connotation and convey a clear image of the company.

Finally, the availability of the brand name is essential. It’s important to check that the brand name isn’t already being used by another company, to avoid any legal disputes. The availability of the domain name associated with the brand name must also be checked, as it is crucial for the company’s visibility online.

In short, choosing a brand name is an important decision that can influence customers’perception of the company. So it’s important to take the time to think it through, and choose a brand name that’s effective, original and available.

All in all, choosing a brand name is an important decision that can influence how your customers perceive your company.

Criteria for choosing an original and effective brand name

There are several criteria to consider when choosing an original and effective brand name:

Relevance to the company’s business


The brand name must reflect the company’s activity. It must be related to the products or services offered, to enable customers to immediately understand the company’s activity.

Rememberability and ease of pronunciation


A good brand name should be easy to memorize and pronounce to facilitate its distribution to customers. It is therefore best to avoid names that are too complex or difficult to pronounce.

The connotation and image conveyed


The brand name must convey a positive image of the company and its products or services. It must also be consistent with the company’s values and philosophy.

Length and simplicity

A short, simple brand name is easier to remember than a long, complex one. It is therefore advisable to choose a brand name that is concise and easy to remember.

A short, simple brand name is easier to remember than a long, complex one.

Techniques for finding an original and available brand name

There are several techniques for finding an original and available brand name:

Using brand name generators

There are several online tools for generating brand names based on certain criteria, such as the company’s activity or the values it wishes to convey.

Exploring synonyms and word associations

By searching for synonyms or word associations related to the company’s activity, it is possible to find original and evocative brand names.

Search for royalty-free brand names

It is important to check the availability of brand names to avoid any legal disputes. Sites such as INPI (Institut national de la propriété industrielle) allow you to search for trademarks that have already been registered.

Creating a brand name by combining existing words


By combining two existing words related to the company’s activity, it is possible to create an original and evocative brand name.

Using these different techniques, you’ll be able to find an original and available brand name for your company. It’s important to take the time to think about different options and check their availability before making your final choice.

Checks to make before choosing a brand name

Before choosing a brand name, it’s essential to carry out certain checks to ensure its availability and effectiveness. Here are a few checks to make:

Check domain name availability

First of all, the domain name is your company’s web address. It’s important to check its availability to ensure that the chosen brand name can be used to create a website. You can check the availability of a domain name on sites such as GoDaddy or OVH.

Check brand name availability

It’s important to check that the chosen brand name is available and that it’s not already being used by another company. You can carry out this check on sites such as INPI (Institut national de la propriété industrielle) or EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office).

It is important to check that the chosen brand name is available and not already being used by another company.

Check the meaning of a brand name in other languages


If you are planning to sell your products or services in other countries, it is important to check that the brand name you have chosen does not have a negative or offensive meaning in other languages.

Check availability of social network accounts

It’s important to check the availability of social network accounts for your brand name. You can use tools such as Namechk to check the availability of the brand name on different social networks.


In conclusion, choosing a brand name is a crucial step in creating a business. It must be original, evocative, easy to remember and available. By using the various techniques presented in this article and carrying out the necessary checks, you can find an effective brand name for your company.

Finally, don’t forget that your brand name can influence consumers’perception of your company, so it’s important to take the time to think and choose a name that represents your business well. So don’t hesitate to use these tips to find an original and available brand name for your business right now!

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