How do I back up a WordPress site?

Backing up a WordPress site easily: discover the steps you need to take to back up your website safely.
sauvegarder un site WordPress

If you have a WordPress site, it’s crucial to know how to back up your site in the event of data loss or technical problems. Fortunately, backing up a WordPress site is pretty straightforward, and there are several methods you can use to do so. In this article, we’ll show you the steps you need to take to back up a WordPress site safely, and give you some tips to make sure your backup is effective.

Importance of backing up a WordPress site

Backing up your WordPress site is essential to avoid any loss of data or important content. If you don’t back up your site regularly, you risk losing important information in the event of technical problems such as hacking, a server crash or an update gone wrong. What’s more, a site backup can help you quickly restore an earlier version of your site in the event of a configuration error or a modification you wish to undo. In short, backing up your WordPress site allows you to guard against any unforeseen situation and ensure your website’s security.

The different methods for backing up a WordPress site

There are several methods for backing up a WordPress site. Here are the three main ones:

Manually backing up your site’s files


This method involves manually uploading all the files on your WordPress site via an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client. To do this, you’ll need to connect to your web server via an FTP client, such as FileZilla, and then upload your site’s entire files, including theme files, plugin files, media files and configuration files. This method is useful if you only want to back up your site files.

Backing up your database via phpMyAdmin

Your WordPress site stores all data in a database. Backing up your database is therefore an important part of safeguarding your site. To back up your database via phpMyAdmin, you need to access your hosting account and open phpMyAdmin. Then select your WordPress site database and export it as a SQL file. This method allows you to save only your WordPress site data.

Use a backup plugin for WordPress

This is the easiest and most effective way to back up your WordPress site. There are many free and paid backup plugins for WordPress, such as UpdraftPlus, BackupBuddy, Duplicator and VaultPress. These plugins make it easy to back up your WordPress site, including theme files, plugin files, media files and the database. What’s more, most backup plugins let you schedule automatic backups, so you can make sure your site is backed up regularly.

Tips for effectively backing up your WordPress site

For an effective backup of your WordPress site, here are some important tips:

Recommended backup frequency

The recommended backup frequency depends on how often you publish content on your site. If you publish content regularly, you should consider backing up your WordPress site daily or weekly. If you publish content less frequently, a monthly backup may be sufficient.

Where to store your backups

Next, store your backups outside your web server. You can store your backups on a cloud service, such as Dropbox, Google Drive or Amazon S3, or on an external hard drive. This ensures that your backups are safe in the event of a server failure.

Check the’integrity of your backup

Finally, check the integrity of your backup regularly to make sure it’s complete and working properly. You can restore your backup to a test site to make sure it’s complete and working properly.

Tips for restoring a backup of your WordPress site

If you’ve backed up your WordPress site and need to restore it, here are the three most common methods:

Manually restore your site files

If you’ve manually backed up your WordPress site files via FTP, you can restore them by uploading them back to your web server at the original location. Be sure to back up the current files before replacing them with the backup files.

Restore your database via phpMyAdmin

If you’ve backed up your database via phpMyAdmin, you can restore it by opening phpMyAdmin, selecting your WordPress site database and importing the SQL file from your backup. Be sure to back up the current database before replacing it with the backup.

Use a backup plugin to restore your site

If you’ve backed up your WordPress site with a backup plugin, you can use the same plugin to restore your site. Most backup plugins let you restore your site from a backup in just a few clicks. Simply follow the plugin instructions to restore your site.

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