How do I create an online instructional video?

Learn how to create an online explainer video quickly and easily with our practical tips. Boost your visual communication!
vidéo explicative

Are you looking for an effective way to present your company, product or service in a concise, punchy way? The online explainer video is the solution you’re looking for! In fact, this visual communication technique has become essential for capturing the attention of your prospects and convincing your customers. In this article, we give you our tips for creating online explainer videos quickly and easily. So you can boost your communication strategy. Follow the guide!

Presentation of an online explainer video

An online explainer video is a short video designed to present a product, service or idea clearly and concisely. It generally lasts between 60 and 120 seconds.

It uses a variety of means to capture the viewer’s attention: animations, images, text, voice-over, music, etc.

A good explainer video should be easy to understand, visually appealing, and hold the audience’s attention from the very first seconds.

It must also answer any questions viewers may have. What’s more, it has to make viewers want to find out more about the subject.

It also has to answer any questions viewers may have.

The online explainer video can be used to present a company, a new product, an application, an e-learning course, or to explain a complex idea in a way that is simple and accessible to everyone.

The benefits of’an online explainer video

The benefits of an online explainer video are numerous, and can have a significant impact on your business and your communications strategy. Here are just a few:

Capture attention

Online explainer video is an effective way to capture your audience’s attention in a short time thanks to its visual and dynamic format.

Simplifying complex messages

Explanatory video can help explain complex concepts or processes using images, animations and concrete examples, making it easier for the audience to understand.

Increase conversion

An explainer video can help increase conversion rates by helping prospects better understand the benefits and features of your product or service.

Strengthening brand image

Using graphic and audio elements consistent with your corporate identity, explainer videos can reinforce your company’s brand image.

Easy sharing

Videos are often shared on social networks, which can help increase the reach of your message and attract new prospects.

In short, online explainer video is a versatile and effective communication tool that can help your company stand out and communicate with your audience effectively.

Steps to creating an online explainer video

Here are the steps for creating an online explainer video:

Defining your objective

Before you start creating your video, clearly determine the objective you’d like to achieve with your explainer video. What do you want to convey to your audience? What is your key message?

Writing an effective script

The script is the foundation of your explainer video. It must be clear, concise and captivating, using concrete examples and stories to bring your message to life.

Choose a suitable graphic style

The choice of graphic style for your video must be consistent with your brand image and objective. You can opt for an animation, drawing or live-action style.

Recording a professional voice-over

Voice-over is important to guide the audience through your video. It is recommended that you hire a professional to achieve a quality rendering.

Animating your video

This is the stage where you bring your script to life by animating your graphic elements. This step can be carried out using video editing software or an online video creation tool.

The animation step can be carried out using video editing software or an online video creation tool.

The animation step can be carried out using video editing software or an online video creation tool.

Add sound effects and music

Sound effects and music can enhance your video’s impact by adding emotion and creating a special mood.

It’s important to note that creating an online explainer video can be time-consuming and requires technical skills. It is advisable to call in the professionals if you’re not comfortable with these tools, or if you wish to achieve a professional-quality rendering.

It is important to note that creating an online explainer video can be time-consuming and requires technical skills.

Tricks for a successful online explainer video

Here are a few tips for making your online explainer video a success:

Be clear and concise

Keep in mind that your audience may have limited attention spans. So be concise and to the point.

Use concrete examples

Concrete examples help make your message more tangible and easier for the audience to understand.

Use simple language

Avoid using technical jargon or complicated terms that may be difficult for your audience to understand.

Opt for a graphic style that matches your brand image

The graphic style of your video should be consistent with your brand image to reinforce your visual identity.

Use a professional voice-over

A quality voiceover can improve your message’s impact. It is therefore recommended that you call on a professional to record your voice-over.

Use appropriate sound effects and music

Sound effects and music can enhance the emotion and impact of your message, but must be consistent with your message and brand image.

Test your video

Once you have created your video, test it with a group of people to get constructive feedback. This can help you improve the quality of your video and better understand the expectations of your audience.

Tools for creating an online explainer video

There are several tools for creating an online explainer video, here are a few examples:


Powtoon is an online tool that makes it easy to create animated videos. It offers a library of script templates and graphic elements that you can use to create your video.


Animaker is an online video creation platform that lets you create animated videos, presentation videos and explainer videos. It also offers a library of graphic elements, script templates and voice-overs.

Adobe Spark Video

Adobe Spark Video is an online video creation tool that lets you create videos using photos, videos and audio recordings. It also features script templates and a library of graphic elements.


Vyond is an online video creation platform that lets you create animated and explainer videos. It offers a library of graphic elements and script templates, as well as advanced features for customizing your video.


Biteable is an online video creation tool that lets you create animated and explainer videos. It also offers a library of graphic elements and script templates.

These tools are simple to use and can help you create professional-quality online explainer videos. It is recommended to choose a tool that matches your needs and technical skills.

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