How do I create a free sales page?

Learn how to create a free sales page with our tips and tools. Increase your online sales now!
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The creation of an effective sales page is essential for selling products or services online. However, you may not have the budget to hire a professional or use paid tools. In this article, we’ll explain how to create a free sales page, using simple tips and online tools available to everyone. Follow our tips to increase your online sales without spending a cent!

The importance of a sales page for increasing online sales

A sales page is an essential tool for increasing your online sales. It enables you to present your offer clearly and persuasively to visitors to your website. In fact, a well-designed sales page can convince potential customers to buy your products or services by highlighting the advantages and benefits of the offer.

An effective sales page should be designed to grab visitors’attention within the first few seconds, presenting a relevant offer and explaining why they need your product or service. It should also provide detailed information about the offer, highlighting its benefits and answering any questions visitors might have.

In addition, a well-designed sales page should also include a clear and visible call to action to encourage visitors to make the purchase. It should also reassure visitors about the safety and reliability of online purchasing by highlighting customer testimonials, certifications or guarantees.

Key elements of an effective sales page


For a sales page to be effective and increase online sales, it must include several key elements, such as:

Catchy title

The title must be clear, concise and catchy to arouse visitors’interest from the very first seconds. It must also summarize the offer and make visitors want to read on.

Offer description

The description should be concise and clear to explain what you offer and how it meets the needs of your potential customers. It’s important to highlight the benefits of the offer for the customer, rather than simply its features.

Advantages and benefits for the customer

Advantages and benefits must be presented in a clear and relevant way to show potential customers what they can gain by buying your product or service. It’s important to show how your offering can solve problems or satisfy customer needs.

Social proof

Social proofs are testimonials from satisfied customers, key figures, awards or certifications that help reassure visitors about the quality and reliability of your offer. These social proofs reinforce the credibility of your sales page.

Call to action

The call to action must be clear and visible, prompting visitors to take a specific action, such as purchasing a product or subscribing to a service. It should be strategically placed on the sales page to maximize the chances of visitors responding.

Free tools for creating a sales page

There are several free tools for creating an effective sales page. Here’s a list of some of the most popular tools, along with their advantages and disadvantages:


WordPress is a free, open-source content management system for creating websites of all types, including sales pages. It offers a wealth of features and customization options. However, it can be complex for beginners and requires some technical knowledge.


Wix is a user-friendly website creation tool that offers drag-and-drop functionality to facilitate sales page design. It also offers numerous customization options and pre-designed templates. However, the free version is limited in terms of functionality and customization options.


Weebly is another website-building tool that offers drag-and-drop functionality and pre-designed templates for easy sales page design. It also offers a free version with limited functionality. However, it can be less flexible in terms of customization than other tools.


BeFreelancr is a freelance platform for creating a personalized sales page. You can sell your services on the platform in various fields (graphic design, copywriting, transcription, translation, development or many others). The advantage of this platform is that registration is free and you can define your rates without restrictions. The platform also offers an affiliate program that can help you earn money easily.


BeTeachr is a platform for creating and selling online training courses, including sales pages for these courses. It offers a free option for creating training courses. This platform is one of the best Marketplace for digital products.


Udemy is another e-learning platform that lets you create courses and sales pages for those courses. It offers a free option for creating courses, but charges may apply for additional functionality. However, this may be less suitable for sales pages for physical products.

Steps to create a sales page for free

Here are the general steps for creating a free sales page:

  • Define the sales page’s objective
  • Choose a sales page creation tool
  • Choose a sales page template
  • Customize the sales page
  • Add a call-to-action button
  • Test and adjust your sales page
  • Publish your sales page
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