How do I migrate my WordPress site?

Make your WordPress site migration easier with our practical tips. Discover how easy it is to migrate your WordPress site.
migrer son site WordPress

If you own a WordPress site and would like to change your web host or domain name, you will need to migrate your WordPress site. Migrating a WordPress site may seem daunting, but it can be done successfully by following a few simple steps. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of migrating your WordPress site, covering the key steps to migrating your WordPress site safely and without losing important data.

Backing up your current WordPress site data

The first step in migrating your WordPress site is to back up your current site data, both files and database. This ensures that all data from your current site will be safely transferred to the new environment.

Backup your WordPress site files

  • Connect to your current hosting account with an FTP client.
  • Access your WordPress site folder.
  • Select all files and folders on your WordPress site.
  • Download these files to your computer.
  • Keep a copy of these files on your computer in a safe place.

Backup your WordPress site database

  • Log in to phpMyAdmin via your current hosting account.
  • Select your WordPress site database.
  • Click on “Export” in the top menu.
  • Select “Custom export”.
  • Select all database tables.
  • Click “Run” to export the database to your computer.
  • Keep a copy of the database on your computer in a safe place.

Preparing the destination environment for your WordPress site

Before you start transferring your WordPress site files, you need to prepare the destination environment for your WordPress site. This involves choosing a new host and configuring the new WordPress environment.

Choosing a new host

If you’re planning to change web hosts, you need to find a new host for your WordPress site. There are many different web hosts offering hosting plans tailored to the needs of your WordPress site.

When choosing a new web host, here are a few things to consider:

  • Server specifications, such as disk space, memory and bandwidth.
  • Server availability and reliability.
  • The quality of customer support.
  • Hosting costs.

Configuring the new WordPress environment

Once you’ve chosen a new host for your WordPress site, you’ll need to configure a new WordPress environment. This usually involves the following steps:

  • Create a new database: You’ll need to create a new database for your WordPress site on your new host.
  • Create a database user
  • Install WordPress
  • Configure WordPress
  • Install plugins and themes

Upload your WordPress site files

Now that you’ve prepared your new WordPress environment, you can transfer your WordPress site files from your old host to your new host.

Use an FTP client to transfer your WordPress site files

The first step in transferring your WordPress site files is to download them from your old web host. To do this, you can use an FTP client like FileZilla.

Here are the steps for downloading your WordPress site files from your old host:

  • Download and install FileZilla on your computer.
  • Connect to your old host using the login information provided by your host.
  • Locate the root directory of your WordPress site.
  • Select all your WordPress site files and upload them to your computer.

Import your database to your new WordPress environment

Once you’ve downloaded your WordPress site files from your old host, you’ll need to import your database onto your new WordPress environment.

Here are the steps for importing your database onto your new WordPress environment:

  • Export your database from your old host using a tool like phpMyAdmin.
  • Create a new database on your new host.
  • Import your database backup file into your new database.
  • Update the database credentials in wp-config.php on your new host.

Edit WordPress configuration files

After transferring your WordPress site files and database to your new host, you’ll need to modify the WordPress configuration files to reflect your new environment.

Edit wp-config.php and .htaccess files

The two configuration files you need to modify are wp-config.php and .htaccess.


This file contains the database connection information for your WordPress site. You need to modify it to reflect the new database connection information on your new host. To do this, open the wp-config.php file on your new host and modify the following lines:

  • DB_NAME : The name of your new database.
  • DB_USER: The user name of your new database.
  • DB_PASSWORD: The password for your new database.
  • DB_HOST : The address of your new database server.


This file controls the settings of your WordPress site. You need to modify it to reflect your new WordPress environment. To do this, open the .htaccess file on your new host and modify the following lines:


If your WordPress site is installed in a subdirectory of your site, you must modify this line to reflect the new path.

Change links in database

After modifying the WordPress configuration files, you need to change the links in the database so they’ll reflect your new WordPress environment. To do this, you can use a plugin like Better Search Replace.

Here are the steps for changing links in the database:

  • Install and activate the Better Search Replace plugin on your WordPress site.
  • Access the plugin’s interface from the Tools menu.
  • In the “Search” field, enter the old domain name of your WordPress site.
  • In the “Replace” field, enter the new domain name for your WordPress site.
  • Check all database tables.
  • Click on the “Execute search/replace” button.

Test your migrated WordPress site

After migrating your WordPress site to your new host, you need to test that everything is working properly. Here are the steps to follow:

Verify that the site is working correctly

  • Access your WordPress site using the new domain name.
  • Check that all pages and posts display correctly.
  • Test all the functionality of your WordPress site, including contact forms, call-to-action buttons, image galleries, etc.

Resolve any problems

If you encounter any problems after migrating your WordPress site, here are some steps to resolve them:

  • Check your WordPress configuration files to ensure that all database connection information is correct.
  • Make sure that the files have been transferred correctly and that there are no missing or damaged files.
  • Check your server settings to make sure they’re compatible with WordPress.
  • If you’re using third-party plugins or themes, make sure they’re compatible with the version of WordPress you’re using.
  • If you have made custom modifications in your old WordPress environment, make sure you have reproduced them in the new environment.

Update DNS records

After you’ve tested your migrated WordPress site and are sure it’s working properly, you need to update the DNS records so that your domain name points to your new hosting. Here are the steps to follow:

Point your domain name to the new hosting

  • Log in to your domain account at your domain registrar.
  • Search the DNS settings or DNS records section.
  • Modify the DNS records for your domain name so that’they point to your new hosting. You need to modify the A and/or CNAME records for your domain name.
  • Make sure the information you’ve provided is correct.

Wait for DNS changes to propagate

Once you’ve changed the DNS records for your domain name, you’ll need to wait for the changes to propagate. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. During this time, your WordPress site may be inaccessible to some visitors.

Delete old WordPress site

Once you’ve migrated your WordPress site to your new hosting and updated the DNS records, you can delete the’old WordPress site. Here are the steps to follow:

Delete your old WordPress site files

  • Connect to your old hosting using an FTP client.
  • Find the WordPress files on your old hosting.
  • Delete all files and folders linked to your old WordPress site.
  • Make sure you’ve backed up a copy of your files in case you need to recover something later.

Delete your old WordPress site’s database

  • Log in to your old hosting control panel.
  • Find the database management section.
  • Delete the database linked to your old WordPress site.
  • Make sure you’ve backed up a copy of your database in case you need to recover something later.
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