How do you write legal notices for a website?

Find out how to write your website's legal notices with ease, thanks to these practical tips and legal advice.
mentions légales

When creating a website, legal notices are an important but often overlooked part of your compliance strategy. However, failing to include clear and accurate legal information can lead to unpleasant legal consequences for your business. In this article, you’ll discover practical tips for writing effective legal notices and complying with current legal requirements. Follow these tips to avoid risks and protect your business with confidence.

Mandatory legal notices on a website

Mandatory legal notices on a website vary according to the nature of the company’s activity and legal form. However, here are the legal notices commonly required:

The name of the company or site publisher


The name of the company must appear clearly on the site, so that visitors know who they are communicating with.

SIRET number

This is a unique number assigned by Insee to identify every company in France. It must appear on the site to enable identification.

The company address


The company’s physical address must be clearly stated, as well as the country in which it is domiciled.

Telephone number and e-mail address


This information allows visitors to contact the company quickly if they need to.

The name of the publishing director

This information lets you know who is responsible for publishing content on the site.

Site hosting information

Information on the site host, such as name, address and telephone number, must also appear on the site.

It should be noted that these legal notices are mandatory in France, but other countries may have different requirements. It is therefore important to find out about the legal requirements applicable in each country where the company operates.

It is important to note that these legal notices are mandatory in France, but that other countries may have different requirements.

Legal notices optional but recommended

In addition to compulsory legal notices, it is recommended to include certain optional notices to guarantee transparency and the trust of site visitors. Here are a few examples:

Terms and conditions of use


The T&Cs govern the conditions of use of the site and are recommended to define the rights and obligations of users.

Intellectual property notices

It is recommended to indicate the intellectual property rights (copyrights, trademark rights) related to the content published on the site.

Privacy policy

Visitors must be informed of how personal data is collected, processed and stored by the company.

Information on cookies

Visitors must be informed about the use of cookies and the purpose of their collection.

It is important to note that the non-presence of these optional mentions does not necessarily entail any legal consequences for the company, but their inclusion can contribute to strengthening the trust of site visitors and improving the company’s transparency.

Tips for writing effective legal notices

Here are a few practical tips for writing effective legal notices:

Comply with current legal requirements

It is important to comply with the legal requirements in force in the country where the company’operates. Legal notices must be precise and complete to avoid any ambiguity.

Drafting legal notices clearly and precisely


Legal notices must be written in clear language that is easily understood by site visitors.

Avoid legal jargon

Legal notices must be accessible to all visitors, including those with no legal knowledge. It is therefore advisable to avoid the use of technical terms or legal jargon.

The legal notice must be accessible to all visitors, including those without legal knowledge.

Regularly update legal notices


Legal notices should be updated regularly to reflect changes to the company’s business and current legislation. It is important to ensure that legal notices are up to date to avoid any confusion or inaccuracies.

By following these tips, you can write effective legal notices that meet legal requirements and reinforce website visitors’ trust in your company.


In conclusion, writing legal notices is an important step for any website. Mandatory legal notices must be included to comply with current legal requirements, but it’s also advisable to add optional notices to guarantee transparency and the trust of site visitors.

To write effective legal notices, it’s important to comply with legal requirements, write them clearly and precisely, avoid legal jargon and update them regularly. By following these tips, you can ensure that your legal notices comply with legal requirements and help to build site visitors’ trust in your company.

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