How to write a press article

Call on professionals to write your press articles and maximize their impact. Tips and tricks.
rédiger un article de presse

When you want to get information across to the media, writing a news article can be an excellent way of doing so. However, it can be difficult to write an effective article that arouses readers’interest and conforms to press standards. That’s why it can be a good idea to call in a professional copywriter to write your article. In this article, we’ll give you some advice on how to choose the right person to write your press article, and the different options available to you.

Why use a professional copywriter to write a press article?

Hiring a writing professional to write a press article has several advantages:

Expertise in writing


Editorial professionals have significant experience in writing press articles. They are familiar with press standards, writing rules and methods for capturing the public’s attention.

High quality

Professional editors have specific training in journalism or communications, which enables them to produce content of higher quality than a non-professional could produce.

Saving time

Writing a press article takes time and energy, by calling in a professional, you can concentrate on other aspects of your communication.

Greater credibility

A professionally written press article will be more credible and convincing to the public, the media and potential partners.

Better visibility

Editorial professionals are familiar with press distribution channels and journalists’ contacts. So they can help you get better visibility for your article and your company.

What are the different options for getting a press article written ?

There are several options for having a press article written. You can use a press agency or freelance journalist, a communications agency or press officer, or a web editor or freelancer. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages.

Press agencies and freelance journalists

Press agencies supply press articles to media outlets and newspapers. Freelance journalists work on their own account, offering their editorial services to clients. These professionals are experienced in writing press articles, know how the media work and can help you reach your target audience.

Communications agencies and press officers

Communications agencies specialize in content creation and may include writing press articles as part of their services. Press attachés work for a company or organization and are responsible for managing their brand image and media relations. They may write press articles for their company and/or help journalists produce content about their company.

Freelance web copywriters

Web copywriters specialize in creating content for the web. They can also be freelance and offer their services as copywriters. Freelance web copywriters are often more affordable than other options, and can be a good option for companies or organizations with limited budgets. If you’re looking for a freelance copywriter, you can go to BeFreelancr.

How to choose the right professional to write your press article


To choose the right professional to write your press article, here are a few criteria to consider:


Choose a professional who has significant experience in writing press articles. Also check whether he’s already worked with clients similar to yours.


It’s best to choose a professional who specializes in your field of activity. This ensures that they have in-depth knowledge of your industry and can produce content that is relevant to your target audience.


Check the professional’s references. Make sure he’s already produced quality press articles for other clients.


Compare the rates of different professionals to find the one that best suits your budget. Be careful, however, that the price should not be the only criterion for your choice.


Assure yourself that the professional is available to work on your press article within the deadline.

When selecting a professional, don’t hesitate to ask questions about their working method. Likewise, ask about his or her communication style. Don’t forget to ask for samples of previous work. This will help you make an informed decision.

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