What’s the best tool for creating a sales page?

Discover the best tool for creating an effective sales page. Compare solutions to optimize your conversions.
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In today’s digital world, it’s essential for businesses to have an effective sales page to promote their products or services. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to know which tool to use to create a sales page that converts. In this article, we’ll take a look at the various popular tools for creating sales pages and compare them based on their ease of use, flexibility, functionality and ability to generate conversions. Ultimately, you’ll be able to determine which of these tools best suits your specific needs for creating a high-performance sales page.

The importance of the sales page in a digital marketing strategy

The sales page is the centerpiece of any digital marketing strategy. It is the point of arrival for an entire conversion process that begins as soon as the product or service offered by the company is discovered.

The aim of the sales page is to convince the visitor to take action: buy a product, subscribe to a service, fill in a form, etc. It must therefore be optimized to convert the visitor to a product or service. It must therefore be optimized to convert the greatest possible number of visitors into customers.

The sales page is a key element in the company’s strategy.

To achieve this, the sales page must be well thought-out and structured, with an attractive design and relevant content that highlights the benefits of the product or service on offer. It must also offer a fluid and intuitive user experience, with a quick and simple ordering process.

The sales page must be well designed and structured.

Criteria for choosing the best tool for creating a sales page

To choose the best tool for creating a sales page, it’s important to consider several criteria. Here are the main ones:

Ergonomics and ease of use


First of all, the tool must be easy to use and get to grips with, with an intuitive and ergonomic interface.

Features available

Then, the tool must offer all the features needed to create an effective sales page, such as customizing the design, integrating email capture forms, adding images and videos, etc.

Optimized SEO

In fact, the tool should allow you to work on the natural referencing of the sales page, with features such as the possibility of customizing meta tags, optimizing the page structure for search engines, etc.

Rates and payment models

In addition, the tool must offer pricing and payment models adapted to the user’s needs and budget, with options such as monthly or annual subscriptions, formulas with or without commitment, etc.

Technical support and user community

Finally, the tool must offer good technical support to help users solve any problems, as well as an active user community to share tips and advice.

Comparison of the best tools for creating a sales page

There are many tools on the market for creating effective sales pages. Here’s a comparison of some of the most popular tools:


BeTeachr is a sales page creation platform dedicated to online trainers. It enables the creation of sales pages for online courses, with features such as video, form and payment integration, as well as options for design customization and SEO optimization.


ClickFunnels is a sales page creation platform that offers a drag-and-drop page editor, ready-to-use page templates, advanced customization options, as well as features for integrating forms, payment, video and gamification elements. This tool is relatively expensive, with monthly subscriptions starting at $97 per month.


Leadpages is a sales page creation platform that offers a wide variety of page templates, an intuitive interface, as well as features for customization, form creation, video and image integration, and SEO optimization. Monthly subscriptions start at $27 per month.


Unbounce is a sales page creation platform featuring a drag-and-drop page editor, a library of page templates, features for customization and form integration, as well as advanced options for SEO optimization and conversion tracking. Monthly subscriptions start at $80 per month.

By comparing these different tools, we can see that each platform offers specific features and different pricing. Depending on the user’s needs and budget, it’s possible to choose the most suitable tool for creating an effective, conversion-optimized sales page. If the user is an online trainer, BeTeachr could be an interesting option to consider, with its features dedicated to creating sales pages for online courses.

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