How do I add subtitles to a YouTube video?

Make your YouTube videos easier to understand by adding subtitles to a video in just a few simple steps.

Whether you’re a YouTube content creator or an online video enthusiast, you know how subtitles can improve the viewing experience for everyone. Not only do they help the hearing impaired or non-English speakers to understand the content, but they can also make your videos more accessible and more easily referenced by search engines. In this article, we’ll show you how to add subtitles to your YouTube video in just a few simple steps. Whether you’re a beginner or already have some experience, follow our handy guide to make your content more accessible and understandable to everyone.

How to create subtitles for your YouTube video ?

There are two main options for creating subtitles for your YouTube video:

Use YouTube’s automatic subtitling

Automatic subtitling is a YouTube feature that uses voice recognition to generate subtitles from your audio track. While this option is quick and easy, it may not be 100% accurate, especially if you use technical language or have a heavy accent.

To enable automatic subtitling on your YouTube video, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your YouTube account and access your channel.
  • Click on the “Videos” button in the left-hand menu and select the video to which you wish to add subtitles.
  • Click on the “Settings” icon (represented by a cogwheel) below the video and select “Subtitles/CC”.
  • Click on “Add subtitles/CC” and select the subtitle language.
  • Select “Automatic subtitling” and let YouTube automatically generate subtitles for your video.

Use subtitling software

The second option is to manually create your subtitles using subtitling software. This method may be more time-consuming, but it will allow you to control the quality and accuracy of your subtitles.

Here are some free subtitling software programs you can use:

  • Aegisub
  • Subtitle Workshop
  • Jubler

Once you’ve created your subtitles, you can upload them to YouTube to add to your video (see next section for steps to follow).

How to add subtitles to your YouTube  video?

Once you’ve created your subtitles, you can add them to your YouTube video by following these steps:

Download subtitles on YouTube

  • Log in to your YouTube account and access your channel.
  • Click on the “Videos” button in the left-hand menu and select the video to which you wish to add subtitles.
  • Click on the “Settings” icon (represented by a cogwheel) below the video and select “Subtitles/CC”.
  • Click on the “Add subtitles/CC” button and select the subtitle language you’ve created.

Check and edit subtitles

  • Select the “Import a file” option to upload the subtitle file you’ve created.
  • Check that the subtitles are synchronized with the video. If necessary, adjust the subtitle start and end times.
  • Review your subtitles carefully to correct any grammar, spelling or punctuation errors.

Publish subtitles on YouTube

When you’re happy with your subtitles, click the “Publish” button to add them to your video.

The subtitles will then be available to any viewers who wish to activate them while your video is playing.

Note that you can also change or remove subtitles at any time by accessing the “Subtitles/CC” tab below the video on your YouTube channel.

What tips do you have for creating quality subtitles on YouTube ?

Here are some tips for creating quality subtitles on YouTube:

Be concise

Try to summarize dialogue and descriptions concisely, while maintaining the original meaning.

Use a readable font

Use a clear, easy-to-read font, such as Arial, Verdana or Helvetica. Avoid fancy or stylized fonts that can be difficult to read.

Respect synchronization

Make sure subtitles appear and disappear at the right time, following the rhythm of dialogue and on-screen movement.

Avoid grammatical and spelling errors


Read your subtitles carefully to avoid grammar, spelling and punctuation errors that could hinder comprehension.

Use punctuation

Use punctuation to indicate pauses and changes of tone in dialogue. This will help viewers better understand the context and emotion behind the words.

Include important sounds

If your video’s soundtrack contains important sounds (such as shouting, laughter or applause), include them in your subtitles for a more immersive viewing experience.

Avoid abbreviations

Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms that may not be understood by all viewers. Prefer full words, even if they’re a little longer.

By following these tips, you can create quality subtitles for your YouTube video, which will help viewers better understand the content of your video, even if they don’t understand the original language.


In conclusion, subtitles can be a valuable tool for improving the accessibility and comprehension of your YouTube video, especially for people who are hard of hearing or who don’t speak the language of the video. By following the steps for creating and adding subtitles to your video, as well as the tips for creating quality subtitles, you can offer a more immersive and accessible viewing experience for all viewers. Feel free to experiment with subtitles to see how they can enhance the impact of your content on YouT


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